Description and Brand Names

Drug information provided by: Merative, Micromedex®

US Brand Name

  1. Citra pH
  2. Cytra-K
  3. Cytra-K Crystals
  4. Liqui-DualCitra
  5. Polycitra-K
  6. Polycitra-K Crystals
  7. Urocit-K 10
  8. Urocit-K 15
  9. Urocit-K 5

Canadian Brand Name

  1. Pms-Dicitrate


Citrates are used to make the urine more alkaline (less acid). This helps prevent certain kinds of kidney stones. Citrates are sometimes used with other medicines to help treat kidney stones that may occur with gout. They are also used to make the blood more alkaline in certain conditions

Citrates are available only with your doctor's prescription.

This product is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Tablet, Extended Release
  • Solution
  • Powder for Solution
  • Syrup