
Mei-Ean E. Yeow, B.M.B.S., B.M.B.Ch.


  1. Yeow ME, Morales Rojas JL, Wood C, Goddard TJ. Caring for the Soul at the limits of Medical Technology: Reflection on Caring for a Patient on ECMO. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2024 Feb 13. [Epub ahead of print]
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  2. Fukui N, Partain DK, Yeow ME, Farfour HN, Prokop L, Barwise A. Learning to collaborate with medical interpreters in health professions education: A systematic review of training programs. Med Teach. 2024 Feb; 46 (2):258-272 Epub 2023 Aug 25
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  3. Mackey RM, Yeow ME, Christensen AR, Ingram C, Carey EC, Lapid MI. Reconnecting: Strategies for Supporting Isolated Older Adults during COVID-19 through Tele-palliative Care. Clin Gerontol. 2022 Jan-Feb; 45 (1):204-211 Epub 2020 Oct 19
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  4. Suarez NRE, Urtecho M, Jubran S, Yeow ME, Wilson ME, Boehmer KR, Barwise AK. The Roles of medical interpreters in intensive care unit communication: A qualitative study. Patient Educ Couns. 2021 May; 104 (5):1100-1108 Epub 2020 Oct 25
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  5. Espinoza Suarez NR, Urtecho M, Nyquist CA, Jaramillo C, Yeow ME, Thorsteinsdottir B, Wilson ME, Barwise AK. Consequences of suboptimal communication for patients with limited English proficiency in the intensive care unit and suggestions for a way forward: A qualitative study of healthcare team perceptions. J Crit Care. 2021 Feb; 61:247-251 Epub 2020 Oct 17
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  6. Barwise A, Yeow ME, Partain DK. The Premise and Development of CHECK IN-Check-In for Exchange of Clinical and Key Information to Enhance Palliative Care Discussions for Patients With Limited English Proficiency. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2020 Dec 9; 1049909120979982 Epub 2020 Dec 09
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  7. Greenberg JA, Gerhart J, Horst JN, Chen E, Hunter RL, O'Mahony S, Yeow ME, Fosler L, LaGorio LA, Meksraityte E, Weiss TT, Nowak K, Geddes J, Lambe SS, Fenton K, Shah RC. A Multidisciplinary Team-Based Approach to Improve Communication With Surrogates of Patients With Chronic Critical Illness. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2020 Mar; 37 (3):214-221 Epub 2019 Sept 16
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  8. Amass TH, Villa G, OMahony S, Badger JM, McFadden R, Walsh T, Caine T, McGuirl D, Palmisciano A, Yeow ME, De Gaudio R, Curtis JR, Levy MM. Family Care Rituals in the ICU to Reduce Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Family Members-A Multicenter, Multinational, Before-and-After Intervention Trial. Crit Care Med. 2020 Feb; 48 (2):176-184
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  9. Yeow ME, Chen E. Ventilator Withdrawal in Anticipation of Death: The Simulation Lab as an Educational Tool in Palliative Medicine. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2020 Jan; 59 (1):165-171 Epub 2019 Oct 11
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  10. Yeow M. Your own sweet time: discontinuing ventilator support at home. J Palliat Med. 2015 Apr; 18 (4):388-9 Epub 2015 Feb 25
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  11. Yeow M. Using Non-Invasive Ventilation at the End of Life J Palliat Med. 2010 Sep; 13(9):1149-50. Epub 2010 May 01.
  12. Yeow M.. Practical Aspects of Using NPPV at the End of Life J Palliat Med. 2010 Sep; 13(9):1150-1151. Epub 2010 Jun 01.
  13. Onopa J, Haley A, Yeow ME. Survey of acute mountain sickness on Mauna Kea. High Alt Med Biol. 2007 Fall; 8 (3):200-5
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  14. Yeow M.. Students Conducting Consultations in General Practice and the Acceptibility to Patients Medical Education. 1999; 33:686-687.