MCM Article Component
POC ID: ART-20484793
SEO Description:
Attribution: © {{year}} MFMER. All rights reserved
Policy: $name
Title: Shower safety
Alternate Title:
Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484794
Title: Stool or chair must-haves
Alternate Title:
  • A skid-resistant rubber stopper on the bottom of each leg.
  • Adjustable height so you can move in and out safely and with better body mechanics.

Optional features:

  • A textured seat surface to reduce your risk of falling.
  • Back support and one or two armrests for comfort and safety.
  • A padded seat for comfort and pressure relief.
Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484795
Title: Grab bar must-haves
Alternate Title:
  • Made of rustproof material.
  • Installed securely so they support your weight and at a height that helps you move safely from sitting to standing or from standing to sitting.
  • Comfortable to grip.

Optional features:

  • Variety of lengths.
  • Right-angled or left-angled models.
  • Textured surface to improve grip.

Never hold onto water faucets, towel bars, or the shower curtain, rod or door to balance or steady yourself.

Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484797
Title: Removable, handheld showerhead must-haves
Alternate Title:
  • An on-off switch on the showerhead.

Otherwise, use a wall-mounted holder for the showerhead, or make sure you can easily reach the faucet(s) to turn water off and on.

Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484800
Title: Slip-resistant surface
Alternate Title:

It's also important to make the tub or shower surface slip-resistant with:

  • A rubber mat.
  • Textured floor.
  • Safety strips or decals.