Cheryl L. Willman, M.D.

  1. Oncologist
  1. Chang TC, Chen W, Qu C, Cheng Z, Hedges D, Elsayed A, Pounds SB, Shago M, Rabin KR, Raetz EA, Devidas M, Cheng C, Angiolillo A, Baviskar P, Borowitz M, Burke MJ, Carroll A, Carroll WL, Chen IM, Harvey R, Heerema N, Iacobucci I, Wang JR, Jeha S, Larsen E, Mattano L, Maloney K, Pui CH, Ramirez NC, Salzer W, Willman C, Winick N, Wood B, Hunger SP, Wu G, Mullighan CG, Loh ML. Genomic Determinants of Outcome in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J Clin Oncol. 2024 Aug 9; JCO2302238 Epub 2024 Aug 09
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  2. Venkataraman V, Martin-Giacalone BA, Drake BF, Salmi L, Claus EB, Schuster ALR, Bridges JFP, Lenz HJ, Willman CL, Diehl D, Janeway KA, Mack JW, George S. Overcoming Systemic Barriers to Make Patient-Partnered Research a Reality. J Clin Oncol. 2024 Aug 2; JCO2400347 Epub 2024 Aug 02
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  3. Litzow MR, Sun Z, Mattison RJ, Paietta EM, Roberts KG, Zhang Y, Racevskis J, Lazarus HM, Rowe JM, Arber DA, Wieduwilt MJ, Liedtke M, Bergeron J, Wood BL, Zhao Y, Wu G, Chang TC, Zhang W, Pratz KW, Dinner SN, Frey N, Gore SD, Bhatnagar B, Atallah EL, Uy GL, Jeyakumar D, Lin TL, Willman CL, DeAngelo DJ, Patel SB, Elliott MA, Advani AS, Tzachanis D, Vachhani P, Bhave RR, Sharon E, Little RF, Erba HP, Stone RM, Luger SM, Mullighan CG, Tallman MS. Blinatumomab for MRD-Negative Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Adults. N Engl J Med. 2024 Jul 25; 391 (4):320-333
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  4. Samadder NJ, Gay E, Lindpere V, Bublitz ML, Bandel LA, Armasu SM, Vierkant RA, Ferber MJ, Klee EW, Larson NB, Kruisselbrink TM, Egan JB, Kemppainen JL, Bidwell JS, Anderson JL, McAllister TM, Walker TS, Kunze KL, Golafshar MA, Klint MA, Presutti RJ, Bobo WV, Sekulic A, Summer-Bolster JM, Willman CL, Lazaridis KN. Exome Sequencing Identifies Carriers of the Autosomal Dominant Cancer Predisposition Disorders Beyond Current Practice Guideline Recommendations. JCO Precis Oncol. 2024 Jul; 8:e2400106
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  5. Annunziata CM, Dahut WL, Willman CL, Winn RA, Knudsen KE. Reflections on the state of telehealth and cancer care research and future directions. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2024 Jun 26; 2024 (64):100-103
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  6. DelRocco NJ, Loh ML, Borowitz MJ, Gupta S, Rabin KR, Zweidler-McKay P, Maloney KW, Mattano LA, Larsen E, Angiolillo A, Schore RJ, Burke MJ, Salzer WL, Wood BL, Carroll AJ, Heerema NA, Reshmi SC, Gastier-Foster JM, Harvey R, Chen IM, Roberts KG, Mullighan CG, Willman C, Winick N, Carroll WL, Rau RE, Teachey DT, Hunger SP, Raetz EA, Devidas M, Kairalla JA. Enhanced Risk Stratification for Children and Young Adults with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Children's Oncology Group Report. Leukemia. 2024 Apr; 38 (4):720-728 Epub 2024 Feb 15
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  7. Rabin KR, Devidas M, Chen Z, Ji L, Kairalla J, Hitzler JK, Yang JJ, Carroll AJ, Heerema NA, Borowitz MJ, Wood BL, Roberts KG, Mullighan CG, Harvey RC, Chen IM, Willman CL, Reshmi SC, Gastier-Foster JM, Bhojwani D, Rheingold SR, Maloney KW, Mattano LA, Larsen EC, Schore RJ, Burke MJ, Salzer WL, Winick NJ, Carroll WL, Raetz EA, Loh ML, Hunger SP, Angiolillo AL. Outcomes in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Down Syndrome and ALL: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group. J Clin Oncol. 2024 Jan 10; 42 (2):218-227 Epub 2023 Oct 27
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  8. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Nov 1; 32 (11):1482-1484
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  9. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Mol Cancer Res. 2023 Nov 1; 21 (11):1139-1141
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  10. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Cancer Immunol Res. 2023 Nov 1; 11 (11):1446-1448
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  11. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2023 Nov 1; 16 (11):591-594
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  12. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Nov 1; 29 (21):4338-4340
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  13. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Blood Cancer Discov. 2023 Nov 1; 4 (6):420-422
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  14. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Mol Cancer Ther. 2023 Nov 1; 22 (11):1245-1247
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  15. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Cancer Res. 2023 Nov 1; 83 (21):3504-3506
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  16. Arteaga CL, Cleveland JL, Foti M, Mesa RA, Weiner LM, Willman CL, Tuveson DA. AACR Cancer Centers Alliance: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation to Advance Lifesaving Scientific Discoveries for Patients. Cancer Discov. 2023 Nov 1; 13 (11):2316-2318
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  17. Termini CM, Moseley A, Othus M, Appelbaum FR, Chauncey TR, Erba HP, Fang M, Lee SC, Naru J, Pogosova-Agadjanyan EL, Radich JP, Willman CL, Wu F, Meshinchi S, Stirewalt DL. Examining the impact of age on the prognostic value of ELN-2017 and ELN-2022 acute myeloid leukemia risk stratifications: a report from the SWOG Cancer Research Network. Haematologica 2023 Nov 1; 108 (11):3148-3151 Epub 2023 Nov 01
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  18. Robinson BW, Kairalla JA, Devidas M, Carroll AJ, Harvey RC, Heerema NA, Willman CL, Ball AR, Woods EC, Ballantyne NC, Urtishak KA, Behm FG, Reaman GH, Hilden JM, Camitta BM, Winick NJ, Pullen J, Carroll WL, Hunger SP, Dreyer ZE, Felix CA. KMT2A partner genes in infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia have prognostic significance and correlate with age, white blood cell count, sex, and central nervous system involvement: a Children's Oncology Group P9407 trial study. Haematologica 2023 Oct 1; 108 (10):2865-2871 Epub 2023 Oct 01
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  19. Schuster AL, Crossnohere NL, Bachini M, Blair CK, Carpten JD, Claus EB, Colditz GA, Ding L, Drake BF, Fields RC, Janeway KA, Kwan BM, Lenz HJ, Ma Q, Mishra SI, Paskett ED, Rebbeck TR, Ricker C, Stern MC, Sussman AL, Tiner JC, Trent JM, Verhaak RG, Wagle N, Willman C, Bridges JF, Participant Engagement and Cancer Genome Sequencing (PE-CGS) Network. Priorities to Promote Participant Engagement in the Participant Engagement and Cancer Genome Sequencing (PE-CGS) Network. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Apr 3; 32 (4):487-495
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  20. Pogosova-Agadjanyan EL, Hua X, Othus M, Appelbaum FR, Chauncey TR, Erba HP, Fitzgibbon MP, Jenkins IC, Fang M, Lee SC, Moseley A, Naru J, Radich JP, Smith JL, Willborg BE, Willman CL, Wu F, Meshinchi S, Stirewalt DL. Verification of prognostic expression biomarkers is improved by examining enriched leukemic blasts rather than mononuclear cells from acute myeloid leukemia patients. Biomark Res. 2023 Mar 16; 11 (1):31
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  21. Brady SW, Roberts KG, Gu Z, Shi L, Gu Z, Pounds S, Pei D, Cheng C, Dai Y, Devidas M, Qu C, Hill AN, Payne-Turner D, Ma X, Iacobucci I, Baviskar P, Wei L, Arunachalam S, Hagiwara K, Liu Y, Flasch DA, Liu Y, Parker M, Chen X, Elsayed AH, Pathak O, Li Y, Fan Y, Michael JR, Rusch M, Wilkinson MR, Foy S, Hedges DJ, Newman S, Zhou X, Wang J, Reilly C, Sioson E, Rice SV, Pastor Loyola V, Wu G, Rampersaud E, Reshmi SC, Gastier-Foster J, Guidry Auvil JM, Gesuwan P, Smith MA, Winick N, Carroll AJ, Heerema NA, Harvey RC, Willman CL, Larsen E, Raetz EA, Borowitz MJ, Wood BL, Carroll WL, Zweidler-McKay PA, Rabin KR, Mattano LA, Maloney KW, Winter SS, Burke MJ, Salzer W, Dunsmore KP, Angiolillo AL, Crews KR, Downing JR, Jeha S, Pui CH, Evans WE, Yang JJ, Relling MV, Gerhard DS, Loh ML, Hunger SP, Zhang J, Mullighan CG. The genomic landscape of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nat Genet. 2022 Sep; 54 (9):1376-1389 Epub 2022 Sept 01
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  22. Advani AS, Moseley A, O'Dwyer KM, Wood BL, Fang M, Wieduwilt MJ, Aldoss I, Park JH, Klisovic RB, Baer MR, Stock W, Bhave RR, Othus M, Harvey RC, Willman CL, Litzow MR, Stone RM, Sharon E, Erba HP. SWOG 1318: A Phase II Trial of Blinatumomab Followed by POMP Maintenance in Older Patients With Newly Diagnosed Philadelphia Chromosome-Negative B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J Clin Oncol. 2022 May 10; 40 (14):1574-1582 Epub 2022 Feb 14
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  23. Rebbeck TR, Bridges JFP, Mack JW, Gray SW, Trent JM, George S, Crossnohere NL, Paskett ED, Painter CA, Wagle N, Kano M, Nez Henderson P, Henderson JA, Mishra SI, Willman CL, Sussman AL. A Framework for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Genetics and Genomics Research. JAMA Health Forum. 2022 Apr; 3 (4) Epub 2022 Apr 15
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  24. Paietta E, Roberts KG, Wang V, Gu Z, Buck GAN, Pei D, Cheng C, Levine RL, Abdel-Wahab O, Cheng Z, Wu G, Qu C, Shi L, Pounds S, Willman CL, Harvey R, Racevskis J, Barinka J, Zhang Y, Dewald GW, Ketterling RP, Alejos D, Lazarus HM, Luger SM, Foroni L, Patel B, Fielding AK, Melnick A, Marks DI, Moorman AV, Wiernik PH, Rowe JM, Tallman MS, Goldstone AH, Mullighan CG, Litzow MR. Molecular classification improves risk assessment in adult BCR-ABL1-negative B-ALL. Blood. 2021 Sep 16; 138 (11):948-958
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  25. Ganzel C, Wang XV, Rowe JM, Richards SM, Buck G, Marks DI, Litzow MR, Paietta EM, Foroni L, Luger SM, Willman CL, Mullighan CG, Roberts KG, Wiernik PH, Douer D, Lazarus HM, Tallman MS, Goldstone AH. At three years, patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia are still at risk for relapse. Results of the international MRC UKALLXII/ECOG E2993 trial. Br J Haematol. 2020 Oct; 191 (1):37-43 Epub 2020 Mar 27
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  26. Pogosova-Agadjanyan EL, Moseley A, Othus M, Appelbaum FR, Chauncey TR, Chen IL, Erba HP, Godwin JE, Jenkins IC, Fang M, Huynh M, Kopecky KJ, List AF, Naru J, Radich JP, Stevens E, Willborg BE, Willman CL, Wood BL, Zhang Q, Meshinchi S, Stirewalt DL. AML risk stratification models utilizing ELN-2017 guidelines and additional prognostic factors: a SWOG report. Biomark Res. 2020; 8:29 Epub 2020 Aug 12
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  27. Stock W, Luger SM, Advani AS, Yin J, Harvey RC, Mullighan CG, Willman CL, Fulton N, Laumann KM, Malnassy G, Paietta E, Parker E, Geyer S, Mrozek K, Bloomfield CD, Sanford B, Marcucci G, Liedtke M, Claxton DF, Foster MC, Bogart JA, Grecula JC, Appelbaum FR, Erba H, Litzow MR, Tallman MS, Stone RM, Larson RA. A pediatric regimen for older adolescents and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: results of CALGB 10403. Blood. 2019 Apr 4; 133 (14):1548-1559 Epub 2019 Jan 18
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  28. Roberts KG, Gu Z, Payne-Turner D, McCastlain K, Harvey RC, Chen IM, Pei D, Iacobucci I, Valentine M, Pounds SB, Shi L, Li Y, Zhang J, Cheng C, Rambaldi A, Tosi M, Spinelli O, Radich JP, Minden MD, Rowe JM, Luger S, Litzow MR, Tallman MS, Wiernik PH, Bhatia R, Aldoss I, Kohlschmidt J, Mrozek K, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD, Stock W, Kornblau S, Kantarjian HM, Konopleva M, Paietta E, Willman CL, Mullighan CG. High Frequency and Poor Outcome of Philadelphia Chromosome-Like Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Adults. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Feb; 35 (4):394-401 Epub 2016 Nov 21
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  29. Gu Z, Churchman M, Roberts K, Li Y, Liu Y, Harvey RC, McCastlain K, Reshmi SC, Payne-Turner D, Iacobucci I, Shao Y, Chen IM, Valentine M, Pei D, Mungall KL, Mungall AJ, Ma Y, Moore R, Marra M, Stonerock E, Gastier-Foster JM, Devidas M, Dai Y, Wood B, Borowitz M, Larsen EE, Maloney K, Mattano LA Jr, Angiolillo A, Salzer WL, Burke MJ, Gianni F, Spinelli O, Radich JP, Minden MD, Moorman AV, Patel B, Fielding AK, Rowe JM, Luger SM, Bhatia R, Aldoss I, Forman SJ, Kohlschmidt J, Mrozek K, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD, Stock W, Kornblau S, Kantarjian HM, Konopleva M, Paietta E, Willman CL, Loh ML, Hunger SP, Mullighan CG. Genomic analyses identify recurrent MEF2D fusions in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Nat Commun. 2016 Nov 8; 7:13331 Epub 2016 Nov 08
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  30. Tricoli JV, Blair DG, Anders CK, Bleyer WA, Boardman LA, Khan J, Kummar S, Hayes-Lattin B, Hunger SP, Merchant M, Seibel NL, Thurin M, Willman CL. Biologic and clinical characteristics of adolescent and young adult cancers: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, and sarcoma. Cancer. 2016 Apr 1; 122 (7):1017-28 Epub 2016 Feb 05
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  31. Perez-Andreu V, Roberts KG, Xu H, Smith C, Zhang H, Yang W, Harvey RC, Payne-Turner D, Devidas M, Cheng IM, Carroll WL, Heerema NA, Carroll AJ, Raetz EA, Gastier-Foster JM, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD, Mrozek K, Kohlschmidt J, Stock W, Kornblau SM, Konopleva M, Paietta E, Rowe JM, Luger SM, Tallman MS, Dean M, Burchard EG, Torgerson DG, Yue F, Wang Y, Pui CH, Jeha S, Relling MV, Evans WE, Gerhard DS, Loh ML, Willman CL, Hunger SP, Mullighan CG, Yang JJ. A genome-wide association study of susceptibility to acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adolescents and young adults. Blood. 2015 Jan 22; 125 (4):680-6 Epub 2014 Dec 02
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  32. Werner B, Gallagher RE, Paietta EM, Litzow MR, Tallman MS, Wiernik PH, Slack JL, Willman CL, Sun Z, Traulsen A, Dingli D. Dynamics of leukemia stem-like cell extinction in acute promyelocytic leukemia. Cancer Res. 2014 Oct 1; 74 (19):5386-96 Epub 2014 July 31
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