Neha P. Raukar, M.D., M.S.

  1. Lall MD, Jayaprakash N, Carrick A, Chang BP, Himelfarb NT, Thomas Y, Wong ML, Dobiesz V, Raukar NP, American College of Emergency Physicians Well-being Committee and the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine's Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine. Consensus-Driven Recommendations to Support Physician Pregnancy, Adoption, Surrogacy, Parental Leave, and Lactation in Emergency Medicine. Ann Emerg Med. 2024 Jun; 83 (6):585-597 Epub 2024 Apr 19
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  2. Colbenson K, Raukar NP. A Structured Approach to the Collapsed Athlete: The First Minute Matters. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2023 Aug 1; 22 (8):273-275 Epub 2023 Aug 01
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  3. Chen EH, Dessie AS, Druck J, Norman M, Raukar N. Executive summary of the SAEM 2022 consensus conference to address racism in emergency medicine clinical research, training, and leadership. Acad Emerg Med. 2023 Jul; 30 (7):765-772 Epub 2023 Apr 13
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  4. Elia T, Temin E, Chekijian S, Raukar N, Gottlieb A. Closing the gender pay gap in emergency medicine: Paradigms to consider for leaders, faculty, and trainees. AEM Educ Train. 2023 Jun; 7 (Suppl 1):S41-S47 Epub 2023 June 27
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  5. Jacobson AA, Colletti JE, Raukar NP. Horizontal Violence Toward Emergency Medicine Residents: Gender as a Risk Factor. West J Emerg Med. 2022 Aug 19; 23 (5):633-636
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  6. Linden JA, Baird J, Madsen TE, Rounds K, Lall MD, Raukar NP, Fang A, Lin M, Sethuraman K, Dobiesz VA. Diversity of leadership in academic emergency medicine: Are we making progress? Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Jul; 57:6-13 Epub 2022 Apr 14
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  7. Johnson AK, Tweet MS, Rouleau SG, Sadosty AT, Hayes SN, Raukar NP. The presentation of spontaneous coronary artery dissection in the emergency department: Signs and symptoms in an unsuspecting population. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Apr; 29 (4):423-428 Epub 2021 Dec 26
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  8. Gillis Mindy, Erben Young, Bhagra Anjali, Tolaymat Leila, Kang Ji, Yin Mingyuan, Raukar Neha. Utilizing Coaching to Develop Women Physician Leaders Physician Leadership Journal. 3/8/2022; 46-49.
  9. Drezner JA, Heinz WM, Asif IM, Batten CG, Fields KB, Raukar NP, Valentine VD, Walter KD, Baggish AL. Cardiopulmonary Considerations for High School Student-Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Update to the NFHS-AMSSM Guidance Statement. Sports Health. 2022 Feb 21; 19417381221077138 [Epub ahead of print]
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  10. Colbenson K, Asplund CA, Raukar N. Adaptations to Protect Sideline Providers as They Respond to Sudden Cardiac Arrest During Sars-CoV-2. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2021 Oct 1; 20 (10):540-544
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  11. Sethuraman KN, Lin M, Rounds K, Fang A, Lall MD, Parsons M, Linden JA, Gursahani K, Raukar N, Perman SM, Dobiesz VA. Here to chair: Gender differences in the path to leadership. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 Sep; 28 (9):993-1000 Epub 2021 Mar 03
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  12. Matuk R, Pereira M, Baird J, Dooner M, Cheng Y, Wen S, Rao S, Quesenberry P, Raukar NP. The role of salivary vesicles as a potential inflammatory biomarker to detect traumatic brain injury in mixed martial artists. Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 14; 11 (1):8186
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  13. Hosokawa Y, Adams WM, Casa DJ, Vanos JK, Cooper ER, Grundstein AJ, Jay O, McDermott BP, Otani H, Raukar NP, Stearns RL, Tripp BL. Roundtable on Preseason Heat Safety in Secondary School Athletics: Environmental Monitoring During Activities in the Heat. J Athl Train. 2021 Apr 1; 56 (4):362-371
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  14. Raukar NP, Cooper LT. Implications of SARS-CoV-2-Associated Myocarditis in the Medical Evaluation of Athletes. Sports Health. 2021 Mar; 13 (2):145-148 Epub 2020 Nov 17
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  15. Heaton HA, Luke A, Sztajnkrycer MD, Clements CM, De Moraes AG, Raukar NP. Best Practices in Managing Cardiac Arrest in the Emergency Department During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Dec; 95 (12):2704-2708 Epub 2020 Oct 16
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  16. Asif IM, Chang CJ, Diamond AB, Raukar N, Zaremski JL. Returning Athletes Back to High School Sports in the COVID-19 Era: Preparing for the Fall. Sports Health. 2020 Nov/Dec; 12 (6):518-520 Epub 2020 Aug 20
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  17. Drezner JA, Heinz WM, Asif IM, Batten CG, Fields KB, Raukar NP, Valentine VD, Walter KD. Cardiopulmonary Considerations for High School Student-Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: NFHS-AMSSM Guidance Statement. Sports Health. 2020 Sep/Oct; 12 (5):459-461 Epub 2020 July 09
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  18. Gil H, Finn RM, Raukar NP. 48-year-old with Coronavirus Disease 2019. Clin Pract Cases Emerg Med. 2020 Aug; 4 (3):464-465
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  19. Woods E., Raukar N.. Concussion Management in Emergency Departments Annals of Sports Medicine and Research.7(2): 1148. 2020.
  20. Stearns RL, Scarneo-Miller SE, Huggins RA, Baker LB, Caterisano T, Chiampas G, Decker D, Drezner JA, Jardine JF, Koester MC, Kucera KL, McMahon E, Raukar NP, Rheeling JD, Stiggins C Tripp BL. Return to Sports and Exercise during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidance for High School and Collegiate Athletic Programs UCONN/University of Connecticut/Korey Stringer Institute/COVID-19 Return to Activity ( 2020; 1-13.
  21. Bazarian JJ, Raukar N, Devera G, Ellis J, Feden J, Gemme SR, Hafner J, Mannix R, Papa L, Wright DW, Auerbach P, American College of Emergency Physicians Sport-Related Head Injury Prevention Task Force. Recommendations for the Emergency Department Prevention of Sport-Related Concussion. Ann Emerg Med. 2020 Apr; 75 (4):471-482 Epub 2019 July 17
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  22. Cheng Y, Pereira M, Raukar NP, Reagan JL, Quesenberry M, Goldberg L, Borgovan T, LaFrance Jr WC, Dooner M, Deregibus M, Camussi G, Ramratnam B, Quesenberry P. Inflammation-related gene expression profiles of salivary extracellular vesicles in patients with head trauma. Neural Regen Res. 2020 Apr; 15 (4):676-681
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  23. Quinn M, Sexton R, Mezzanote T, Baird J, Raukar N. A Statewide Cross-Sectional Survey of School Nurses' Knowledge and their Role in the Management of Concussed Students. R I Med J (2013). 2020 Feb 3; 103 (1):42-45 Epub 2020 Feb 03
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  24. Misch MR, Raukar NP. Sports Medicine Update: Concussion. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2020 Feb; 38 (1):207-222
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  25. Gil H, Tuttle AA, Dean LA, Johnson DA, Portelli D, Baird J, Raukar NP. Dedicated MRI in the emergency department to expedite diagnostic management of hip fracture. Emerg Radiol. 2020 Feb; 27 (1):41-44 Epub 2019 Oct 15
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  26. Cheng Y, Pereira M, Raukar N, Reagan JL, Queseneberry M, Goldberg L, Borgovan T, LaFrance WC Jr, Dooner M, Deregibus M, Camussi G, Ramratnam B, Quesenberry P. Potential biomarkers to detect traumatic brain injury by the profiling of salivary extracellular vesicles. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Aug; 234 (8):14377-14388 Epub 2019 Jan 15
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  27. Raukar N, Palms D, Boyle M, Baird J. A Case Report of Impaired Driving Performance after a Concussion. R I Med J (2013). 2018 Dec 3; 101 (10):56-57 Epub 2018 Dec 03
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  28. Daniel M, Fowler R, Merritt C, Raukar N, Sutton E, Allen G, Clyne B. Creating effective and engaging presentations. Clin Teach. 2018 Jun; 15 (3):191-196 Epub 2017 Oct 10
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  29. Belval LN, Casa DJ, Adams WM, Chiampas GT, Holschen JC, Hosokawa Y, Jardine J, Kane SF, Labotz M, Lemieux RS, McClaine KB, Nye NS, O'Connor FG, Prine B, Raukar NP, Smith MS, Stearns RL. Consensus Statement- Prehospital Care of Exertional Heat Stroke. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2018 May-Jun; 22 (3):392-397 Epub 2018 Jan 16
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  30. Spader HS, Dean DC 3rd, LaFrance WC Jr, Raukar NP, Cosgrove GR, Eyerly-Webb SA, Ellermeier A, Correia S, Deoni SCL, Rogg J. Prospective study of myelin water fraction changes after mild traumatic brain injury in collegiate contact sports. J Neurosurg. 2018 May 1; 1-9 Epub 2018 May 01
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  31. Raukar N. The FDA-Approved Concussion Blood Test Isn't Ready for Prime Time; 2018.
  32. Rich C, Rayner J, Raukar N. Nondisplaced pubic ramus fracture associated with exsanguination and death. Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Feb; 36 (2):342.e1-342.e2 Epub 2017 Nov 15
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  33. Raukar N, Arciero E, Noyes A, Drezner J, Weiss J. Cardiovascular pre-participation screening in the young athlete: addressing concerns. Phys Sportsmed 2017 Nov; 45 (4):365-369 Epub 2017 Aug 17
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  34. Raukar N, Lemieux RS, Casa DJ, Katch RK. Dead Heat: Treating exertional heat stroke is a race against time and temperature. JEMS. 2017 May; 42 (5):54-9
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  35. Kuehl DR, Berdahl CT, Jackson TD, Venkatesh AK, Mistry RD, Bhargavan-Chatfield M, Raukar NP, Carr BG, Schuur JD, Kocher KE. Advancing the Use of Administrative Data for Emergency Department Diagnostic Imaging Research. Acad Emerg Med. 2015 Dec; 22 (12):1417-26 Epub 2015 Nov 17
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  36. Wilcox BJ, Beckwith JG, Greenwald RM, Raukar NP, Chu JJ, McAllister TW, Flashman LA, Maerlender AC, Duhaime AC, Crisco JJ. Biomechanics of head impacts associated with diagnosed concussion in female collegiate ice hockey players. J Biomech. 2015 Jul 16; 48 (10):2201-4 Epub 2015 Apr 15
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  37. Raukar N, Lemieux R, Finn G, Stearns R, Casa DJ. Heat Illness - A Practical Primer. R I Med J (2013). 2015 Jul 1; 98 (7):28-31 Epub 2015 July 01
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  38. Raukar N, Chao L. Concussion: a primer for the physician. R I Med J (2013). 2015 Jun 1; 98 (6):27-9 Epub 2015 June 01
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  39. Greenberg MR, Kane BG, Totten VY, Raukar NP, Moore EC, Sanson T, Barraco RD, Nguyen MC, Vaca FE. Injury due to mechanical falls: future directions in gender-specific surveillance, screening, and interventions in emergency department patients. Acad Emerg Med. 2014 Dec; 21 (12):1380-5
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  40. Raukar NP, Zonfrillo MR, Kane K, Davenport M, Espinoza TR, Weiland J, Franco V, Vaca FE. Gender- and sex-specific sports-related injury research in emergency medicine: a consensus on future research direction and focused application. Acad Emerg Med. 2014 Dec; 21 (12):1370-9 Epub 2014 Nov 24
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  41. Morrissey D, Raukar NP, Andrade-Koziol J, Mello M. Statewide assessment of the Rhode Island School and Youth Programs Concussion Act. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Sep; 77 (3 Suppl 1):S8-11
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  42. Rogg J, Spader H, Wilcox BJ, Ellermeier A, Correira S, Chodobski A, Szmydynger-Chodobska J, Raukar N, Machan JT, Crisco JJ, LaFrance WC Jr, Brown University Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium. The Brown University Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium and the Norman Prince Neurosciences Institute. R I Med J (2013) 2014 May 1; 97 (5):22-6 Epub 2014 May 01
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  43. Chung A, Raukar N. The Case Files: A Patient with Not-So-Benign Low Back Pain Emergency Medicine News. 2014; 36(1A).
  44. Sawyer GA, Anderson BC, Raukar NP, Fadale PD. Intramuscular ketorolac injections in the athlete. Sports Health. 2012 Jul; 4 (4):319-27
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