Qun Lu, M.D.

  1. Pathologist
  1. Williams LA 3rd, Adamski J, Kinard TN, Ertz-Archambault NM, Lu Q, Gray K, Herrick JL, Su L, Padrnos L. The first reported use of red blood cell exchange to treat hemoglobin Evans with secondary methemoglobinemia. J Clin Apher. 2023 Dec; 38 (6):755-759 Epub 2023 Sept 04
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  2. Williams LA 3rd, Thiele BA, Kinard T, Kaleta E, Adamski J, Su L, Jones S, Lu Q. Thawed plasma (TP) as a substitute for intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) to prevent hypogammaglobulinemia post-therapeutic plasma exchange. Transfus Apher Sci. 2023 Aug; 62 (4):103716 Epub 2023 May 02
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  3. Lin DM, Goldfinger D, Lu Q, Wallace B, Kosak-Nguyen D, Wood A, Porter B, Bumerts P, Jeffery R, Fang A, Stalcup I, Penaflorida T, Ziman A. Measuring trade-offs that matter: assessing the impact of a new electronic cross-match policy on the turnaround time and the cross-match workload efficiency. Transfusion.2014;54:3075-9.
  4. Dumani D, Peterson JM, Lu Q, Ziman A. The role of exchange transfusion in neonatal hemochromatosis: A case report of this rare entity and a literature review (accepted). Check Sample of American Society of Clinical Pathology. 2014.
  5. Cheng S, Wu Y, Lu Q, Yan J, Zhang H, Wang X. Autophagy genes coordinate with the class II PI/PtdIns 3-kinase PIKI-1 to regulate apoptotic cell clearance in C. elegans. Autophagy. 2013 Dec; 9 (12):2022-32 Epub 2013 Oct 21
    View PubMed
  6. Peterson J, Yuan S, Lu Q. Dendritic cell vaccination for treatment of a variety of cancers. ASCP Case Reports. 2013; 56(2).
  7. Kaur JS, Coe K, Rowland J, Braun KL, Conde FA, Burhansstipanov L, Heiney S, Kagawa-Singer M, Lu Q, Witte C. Enhancing life after cancer in diverse communities. Cancer. 2012 Nov 1; 118 (21):5366-73 Epub 2012 Mar 20
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  8. Damani D, Ziman A, Lu Q. Granulocyte Transfusion. Check Sample of American Society of Clinical Pathology, Transfusion Medicine. 2012; 55(8).
  9. Yuan S, Hoffman M, Lu Q, Goldfinger D, Ziman A. Motivating factors and deterrents for blood donation among donors at a university campus-based collection center. Transfusion. 2011 Nov; 51: (11)2438-44.
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  10. Finck RH, Davis RJ, Teng S, Goldfinger D, Ziman AF, Lu Q, Yuan S. Performance of an automated solid-phase red cell adherence system compared with that of a manual gel microcolumn assay for the identification of antibodies eluted from red blood cells. Immunohematology. 2011; 27: (1)1-5.
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  11. Nagao B, Yuan S, Lu Q. Drug-induced hemolytic anemia and Thrombocytopenia. Check Sample of American Society of Clinical Pathology, Transfusion Medicine. 2011; 54(4):41-52.
  12. Yuan S, Ziman A, Smeltzer B, Lu Q, Goldfinger D. Moderate and severe adverse events associated with apheresis donations: incidences and risk factors. Transfusion. 2010 Feb; 50: (2)478-86.
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  13. Yuan S, Ziman A, Smeltzer B, Lu Q, Goldfinger D. Moderate and severe adverse events associated with blood component donations by apheresis: incidence and risk factors. Transfusion. 2010; 50:478-86.
  14. Smith D, Lu Q, Yuan S, Goldfinger D, Fernando LP, Ziman A. Survey of current practice for prevention of transfusion-transmitted cytomegalovirus in the United States: leucoreduction vs. cytomegalovirus-seronegative. Vox Sang. 2010 Jan; 98: (1)29-36.
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  15. Shackley BS, Pullarket ST, Tanaka-Mukai D, Lu Q. Chagas Disease: a growing concern in the United States. Check Sample of American Society of Clinical Pathology, Transfusion Medicine. 2010; 53(5):51-61.
  16. Sohsman M, Yuan S, Ziman A, Lu Q. Dramatic increase of antibody titers and severe hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn following an episode of mild vaginal bleeding. Check Sample of American Society of Clinical Pathology, Transfusion Medicine. 2010; 53(4):39-49.
  17. Yuan S, Ziman A, Anthony MA, Tsukahara E, Hopkins C, Lu Q, Goldfinger D. How do we provide blood products to trauma patients? Transfusion. 2009 Jun; 49: (6)1045-9.
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  18. Arndt P, Garratty G, Isaak E, Bolger M, Lu Q. Positive direct and indirect antiglobulin tests associated with oxaliplatin can be due to drug antibody andor drug-induced nonimmunologic protein adsorption. Transfusion. 2009 Apr; 49: (4)711-8.
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  19. Booth G, Ogbu A, Lu Q, Ziman A. Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Check Sample of American Society of Clinical Pathology, Transfusion Medicine. 2009.
  20. Heddle NM, Cook RJ, Tinmouth A, Kouroukis CT, Hervig T, Klapper E, Bandwein JM, Szczepiorkowski ZM, AuBuchon JP, Barty RL, Lee, KA, STOP Investigators. A randomized controlled trial comparing standard and low-dose strategies for transfusion of platelets (SToP) to patients with thrombocytopenia. Blood. 2008 Dec; 113(7):1564-73.
  21. Hopkins CK, Yuan S, Lu Q, Ziman A, Goldfinger D. A severe case of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome associated with pneumococcal infection and T activation treated successfully with plasma exchange. Transfusion. 2008 Nov; 48: (11)2448-52.
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  22. Hopkins C, Yuan S, Lu Q, Ziman A, Goldfinger D. A severe case of atypical HUS associated with pneumococcal infection and T-activation treated successfully with plasmapheresis. Transfusion. 2008 Jul; 48(11):2448-52.
  23. Yuan S, Goberger J, Smeltz B, Ziman A, Lu Q, Goldfinger D. Risk factors associated with multicomponent apheresis collection of blood products. Transfusion. 2008 Jun; 48(6):1213-9.
  24. Yuan S, Gornbein J, Smeltzer B, Ziman AF, Lu Q, Goldfinger D. Risk factors for acute, moderate to severe donor reactions associated with multicomponent apheresis collections. Transfusion. 2008 Jun; 48: (6)1213-9.
    View PubMed
  25. Lu Q, Nedelcu E, Ziman A, Bumerts P, Fernando L, Schiller G. Standardized protocol to identify high-risk patients undergoing therapeutic apheresis procedures. J Clin Apher. 2008; 23: (3)111-5.
    View PubMed
  26. Hooper J, Lu Q, Pepkowitz S. Disseminated coccidioidomycosis in pregnancy. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2007; 131:652-5.
  27. Lu Q, Goldfinger D. Managing patients with warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Check Sample of American Society of Clinical Pathology. 2007; 507(7):81-93.
  28. Tang Y-R, Lu Q, Su P-M, Zhou Z-F. The use of metronidazole in postpartum infections in patients with hepatitis. Jiangusu Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 1996; 4(3):37-8.
  29. Su P-M, Zhou Z-F, Tang Y-R, Wang E-F, Guo C-Y, Zhao B, Lu Q, Tang X. Placental volume in patients with hepatitis during their pregnancy. Jiangsu medicine. 1990; 5:12-5.
  30. Zhou Z-F, Sun X-B, Lu Q, et al. Causes of high serum SGPT in pregnancy. Jiangsu Medicine. 1989; 15(9):506.